Pro-Canada is Pro-Active - Positive & Constructive Action Links

We have a national security emergency in Canada right now!
more pro-Canadian promotion on the way -

Contact - Resource Subjects

Pro-Nation State Sovereignty
Pro-Treasury Reserves
Pro-Sovereign Debt Free Currency
Pro-Sovereign Payment System
Pro-Sovereign Central Bank & Trust
Pro-sovereign credit card & debit card infrastructure
Pro-cash not CBDC, programable currency or technocratic genocide

Pro-Faith, Family, Freedom & Free Enteprise
Pro-Private Property Rights
Pro-Gun rights. self defence rights, citizen militias

Pro-National Defence
Defence Mission, Defence Doctrine, Defence Capability
Defence Technology Industrial Base
Border Defence & Territorial Integrity
Guns & Ammo industry, enterprise & Co-operative
Gun Rights, combat & militia training
National reserves & training
Citizen Militia Defence Vehicles & Technology,
training & Joint National Defence, National Reserve Training
Constitutional Militia, rights & responsibilities,
Constitutional Militia - technology & financial compensation

Pro-Canadian ethnocentric
Pro-Elimination of the Multiculturalism Act
No more anti-white genocide, race replacement,
Restrictions on immigration, invasion, asylum & refugees
No more welfare and jobs for the world

Pro-Industry : revitalize, redevelop and rebuild industry
Manufacturing Infratructure, Machinery & Secure Supply Chain
Made in Canada

Pro-Transportation : Automotive, Aviation & Aerospace, Marine, Railroad

Pro-food, Clothing & Shelter
Textiles, Leather, boots & shoes, all kinds of dedicated gear, cloting, equipment

Pro-Construction, Housing & Mega projects

Pro-energy, Big Oil & Petro Chemical Industries & manufacturing
Hydro Projects & Nuclear Power & Advanced Energy Systems

Pro-Environmentally sound and Eco-conscious
power dams : silt to the ocean & lakes
Reduction of Plastic pollution
End microwave & 5G genocide
End toxic poison into the ground, air, water and food

Computer, electronics, software
design engineering, architecture & landscaping
general and advanced manufacturing and assembly
invention, patents, suppressed technology
Advance Fuel Systems

Pro-Sovereign Natural Resources
Farming, Fishing, Forestry, Mining, Agriculture

Pro-economic nationalism
International Trade & Development Agency
First Nations trade & Development Agency
Reduction and elimination of inter-provincial Trade Retrictions
alternative and private currencies
Canadian Dollar International Trade

Pro-Free Enterprise
Entrepreneurs, Enterprise, private and public corporations & entities

Elimination of Technocracy
Health Sovereignty
End of the Surveillance State,
End Weaponized social media, cell phones, AI etc

Euro-Canadian & European ethnocentric advanced civilization restoration
Deportations of Race replacement enemy combatants
Counter-measures for weaponized religion
who have declared or are engaged in war against us.
End rape gangs and anti-white violence
End cultural & sexual genocide

Pro-Life & Anti Genocide
End Microwave & 5G Genocide
End Big Pharma Drug & so called "vaccine" bio-weapons

Pro-Peace, Order & Good Government
end treason, high treason, double agents, treachery,
End anti nation state sovereigny & related genocide & destruction
End mass media by enemies foreign and domestic,
related control, ownership, voting, editing & censorship

Pro-economic nationalism
End National Security threats concerning investment & control
for industries, enterprise, natural resources, transportation infrastructure, energy is not politics as usual - the status quo is totally unacceptable

Nous avons un urgence national à Canada maintenant!
plus promotion pro-Canada en route -